Routing problem
Routing detours
Problem: When I try to route between two points, the RoutePlanner sends me via a detour to the next point, although I know there is a better path. How can I solve this?
- Switch off the routing option ->Switch off routing
- Select another type of routing ->Change routing option
Red problem mark between two viapoints or waypoints
Problem: When I mark two viapoints on the RoutePlanner, I get a red problem mark between the two points (after a while).
- When the distance between the two Waypoints is too big (>25 km), you have to add an intermediate waypoint. To make a route of a long distance, you just have to put a set of intermediate points every 25 kms.
- Sometimes, there is too much activity on the site, and your routing process is in a queue. After 30 seconds, the routing calculation stops. The best solution is to put an extra intermediate waypoint... You can can also just reposition your waypoint to start the calculation again, and you are back in the queue.
- Not all countries allow routing. Check the list of countries where routing is supported. In the case routing is not supported, you can still create your route by switching off the routing option and mark your track point by point.