
Log on problems

If you are unable to log on, check the following items:

First check(s)

  1. Make sure that you are on and not on (different extension!).

Different cases

Error message: "failed connection. There is a fault at the e-mail address or the password."?

  1. Are you already registered? Otherwise, register first (read here how to do it)
  2. Check if you are registered with the correct e-mail address.
  3. Ask a new password. (read here how you get a new password)

You always get to the same log on page without an error message

  1. Your security setting of your computer is probably too strict.
  2. Go to Windows: Start->configuration window.
  3. Select the network and the Internet ->Internet.
  4. Go to security: place it to normal or low.
  5. Go to privacy : place it to normal or low.

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