
POI types

Why adding a specific type to a POI?

When you add a specific type to a POI, the POI will be displayed with a specific icon. The icon is displayed on the RouteViewer and the RoutePrint.

How to add a specific type to a POI?

Read here how to create a POI. Read here how to edite an existing POI on en existing Route.

POI types or location types recognized by RouteYou (internal name)

Each type has its translation. This list shows the interna code used per type.

  1. Abbey
  2. Accom_Shelter
  3. Accomodation
  4. Admin_Border
  5. Admin_Center
  6. Admin_Unit
  7. Adventurr_Park
  8. Air_Pump
  9. Airport_Int
  10. Airport_Leasure
  11. Airport_Regional
  12. Amusement_Park
  13. Animal_Market
  14. Animal_Support
  15. Aquaduct
  16. Aquarium
  17. Arch_Museum
  18. Art
  19. Art_Ant_Market
  20. Art_Center
  21. Art_Gallery
  22. Art_Museum
  23. Bakery
  24. Bathing
  25. Battlefield
  26. Beach
  27. Beachclub
  28. BeautyFarm
  29. Bed_and_Break
  30. Beguinage
  31. Belfrey
  32. Bell_Seat
  33. Bell_Tower
  34. Bicycle_Network
  35. Bicycle_Route
  36. Bicycle_Shelter
  37. Bicycle_Shop
  38. Boattrips
  39. Border
  40. Break_Thr_Valley
  41. Brewery
  42. Bridge
  43. Buddha_Temple
  44. Building_Arch_Imp
  45. Building_Constr
  46. Bungeejumping
  47. Bunker
  48. Burrough
  49. Burrough_Border
  50. Burrough_Center
  51. Busstop
  52. Cabin
  53. Cabin
  54. Cairn
  55. Camp_Site
  56. Canal
  57. Canyon
  58. Capital
  59. Castle
  60. Cave
  61. Cave_Touristic
  62. Cemetry
  63. Changing_Room
  64. Chapel
  65. Church
  66. Church_Tour_Imp
  67. Cinema
  68. City
  69. City_palace
  70. City_Park
  71. Cityscape
  72. Cliff
  73. Cliff_Coast
  74. Climb
  75. Club_room
  76. Coast
  77. Cobblestone
  78. Company_Org
  79. Concert_Hall
  80. Condominium
  81. Confer_Center
  82. Convention_Centre
  83. Country_Border
  84. Courthouse
  85. Crime_spot
  86. Cross
  87. Crossing
  88. Cuesta
  89. Cultural_Centre
  90. Dam
  91. Danger_Point
  92. Deer_Camp
  93. Descent
  94. Detour
  95. Dike
  96. Distance_Marker
  97. Distillary
  98. Divingspot
  99. Dolfinarium
  100. Dolina
  101. Dome
  102. Duck_decoy
  103. Dunes
  104. Eat_and_Drink
  105. Eatery
  106. Ecotourism
  107. El_bike_Charger
  108. Entertainment
  109. Estate
  110. Estuary
  111. Event
  112. Exhibition_Center
  113. Factory
  114. Farm
  115. Fastfood
  116. Ferry
  117. Ferry_Cars
  118. Ferry_Walk_Bike
  119. Fire_Tower
  120. First_Aid
  121. Fishing_Harbour
  122. Fish-pond
  123. Flag
  124. Fleemarket
  125. Flowermarket
  126. Folk_Museum
  127. Forest
  128. Fort
  129. Fortress
  130. Fountain
  131. Freemacon_Temple
  132. FrontierCrossing
  133. Furniture_Center
  134. Garage
  135. Garden
  136. GeodeticPoint
  137. Geological_POI
  138. Geomorp_POI
  139. Glider_Airport
  140. Golf_Course
  141. Golf_Course_ground
  142. GP
  143. Grave
  144. Greenhouse
  145. Groupaccomodation
  146. Harbour
  147. Heather
  148. Heightpoint
  149. High_Rrise_Bldng
  150. Hill
  151. Hindu temple
  152. Hippodrome
  153. His_City
  154. Hist_Building
  155. Hist_Event
  156. Hist_Place
  157. Hist_Village
  158. History_Museum
  159. Hoeve
  160. Hogback
  161. Holiday_Park
  162. Holidayhouse
  163. Holidaypark
  164. Horeca
  165. Hospital
  166. Hostel
  167. Hotel
  168. House
  169. House_Large
  170. Human_Support
  171. IceSkatingRink
  172. IKEA
  173. Indoor_Swimpool
  174. Industrial_Area
  175. Industrial_Area_ground
  176. Info_Center
  177. Island
  178. Karst
  179. Kathedral
  180. Kayak_Cano
  181. Kayak_Cano_Rent
  182. Kiss_And_Ride
  183. Kolk
  184. Lake
  185. Land_Road_Infra
  186. Landmark
  187. Landscape_Border
  188. Landscape_Center
  189. Landscape_Element
  190. Lane
  191. Legend
  192. Leisure_Center
  193. Library
  194. Light_Beacon
  195. Lighthouse
  196. Locker
  197. Lowest_point
  198. Manor_House
  199. Marker
  200. Market
  201. Massage_Centre
  202. Memorial
  203. Midget_Golf
  204. Military_Cemetery
  205. Monastery
  206. Monument
  207. Mosque
  208. Motel
  209. Motor_Route
  210. Motor_Shop
  211. Mountain_Pass
  212. Mountain_Peak
  213. Movie_Theatre
  214. MTB_Route
  215. Museum
  216. Music_Centre
  217. Nat_History_Mus
  218. Nat_Park
  219. Nat_Phenom
  220. Nation_Park
  221. Natural_area
  222. Nav_Instruction
  223. Nightlife
  224. Nordic_Walking
  225. Observatory
  226. Occult_Place
  227. Office_Center
  228. Opera
  229. Outdoor activity
  230. Outdoor_Swimpool
  231. Paint_Ball
  232. Palace
  233. Panorama
  234. Park
  235. Park_And_Ride
  236. Parking
  237. Pass
  238. Pelgrimage
  239. Petrolst_ANWB
  240. Petrolstation
  241. Petrolstation_2
  242. Petting_Zoo
  243. Picknick_Spot
  244. Place_Of_Worship
  245. Place_To_Rest
  246. Planetarium
  247. Plateau
  248. Play_Center
  249. Play_Ground
  250. Playground
  251. Play-Ground_Priv
  252. Play-Ground_Publ
  253. POI
  254. Police_Station
  255. Polje
  256. Pont
  257. Postal_Office
  258. Powerplant
  259. Prison
  260. Province_Border
  261. Pub
  262. Public_Transport
  263. Quarry
  264. Race_Track
  265. Radio_Tower
  266. Railtrack
  267. Railwaystation
  268. Recreation
  269. regio_admin0
  270. regio_admin1
  271. regio_admin10
  272. regio_admin2
  273. regio_admin3
  274. regio_admin4
  275. regio_admin5
  276. regio_admin6
  277. regio_admin7
  278. regio_admin8
  279. regio_admin9
  280. Region_Border
  281. Region_Center
  282. Relax_Center
  283. Rent_a_Bike
  284. Rent_a_Boat
  285. Rent_Horses
  286. Restaurant
  287. River
  288. Road_Restaurant
  289. Road_Resto
  290. Rock_Climbing
  291. Rock_Coast
  292. Rocks
  293. Route
  294. Route_Crossing
  295. Route_End
  296. Route_Indication
  297. Route_Info
  298. Route_Start
  299. RouteIntersection
  300. Ruin
  301. Safari_Park
  302. Sauna
  303. School
  304. Science_Museum
  305. Science_POI
  306. Sea
  307. Sealake
  308. Seaworld_Center
  309. Shelter
  310. Shelter_night
  311. Shop
  312. Shop_ANWB
  313. ShopCenter
  314. Shopping_Center
  315. Shoppingstreet
  316. Shower
  317. Signalpost
  318. Signpost
  319. Slope
  320. Sluis_Ladder
  321. Soccerfield
  322. Source
  323. Spa
  324. Special_Building
  325. Speleology
  326. sponsering
  327. Sport_Ground
  328. Sport_Ground_Priv
  329. Sport_Ground_Publ
  330. Sports_Centre
  331. Sports_Compound
  332. Sports_Hall
  333. Square
  334. Stadium
  335. Station_of_cross
  336. Statue
  337. Story
  338. Subway_Station
  339. Support
  340. Surf_Spot
  341. Surfclub
  342. Swimming_Spot
  343. Swimmingpool
  344. Synagoge
  345. Tablemountain
  346. Technical_Support
  347. Temple
  348. Theatre
  349. Themepark
  350. Toilet
  351. Top
  352. Tourist_Attract
  353. Tourist_Info
  354. Tower
  355. Town_Hall
  356. Town-gate
  357. Townhall
  358. Town-wall
  359. Traffic_Lights
  360. Traffic_Sign
  361. Tramstation
  362. Transport
  363. Tree
  364. Trekkershutten
  365. Tunnel
  366. TV_tower
  367. University
  368. Valley
  369. Veg_Fruit_market
  370. Vendormachine
  371. Veteranary
  372. View
  373. View_Tower
  374. Viewpoint
  375. Village_Border
  376. Village_Center
  377. Village_Town
  378. Villageview
  379. Vineyard
  380. Visitingcenter
  381. Vulcano
  382. Walk
  383. Walk_Start
  384. Walking area
  385. Wallclimbing
  386. Wash_Facility
  387. Water
  388. Water recreation
  389. Water_Access_Pnt
  390. Waterfall
  391. Watermill
  392. Waterpark
  393. Waterpump
  394. WaterSport
  395. Watertower
  396. Weg
  397. Weir
  398. Well
  399. Whisky_Distil
  400. Windmill
  401. Windmill_New
  402. Windmill_Old
  403. Windsurfspot
  404. WindTurbin
  405. Winery
  406. Wireless_Mast
  407. Woodland
  408. Worldheritage
  409. Yacht_Basin
  410. Youthhostel
  411. Zoo

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