RouteYou functionality overview
All basic functionalities on RouteYou are accessible for free via a RouteYou Free account. Check out all the free basic functionalities here.
Additional functionality and possibilities are available through the following, paid account types on RouteYou. These require an upgrade from your RouteYou Free account. In addition to all the basic functionalities, they each have a set of additional functionalities and capabilities. Below is an overview.
Plus |
Premium |
Pro |
Enterprise |
Basic functionalities |
30% faster website |
Ad-free use of the RouteYou website and app |
Access to additional map layers and map details
Access to additional routing options
Offline navigation with your smartphone |
Print a guide of each available route for your own use |
Inverting a route |
Change the starting point of a route |
Split a route |
Use the compass to easily plan a loop in all directions |
Add or remove sights to your route quickly and easily (POI push) |
Immediately after planning a route save it as private |
Merge routes |
Show reference routes |
Free participation in RouteYou training |
Upload routes with points of interest |
Upload route and overwrite an existing route while keeping a stable RouteId |
Print your route on a topo map (NL, BE, DE) |
Shareable link (to share private routes) |
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Editing routes together with others co-authorship |
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Print your route in large format (A3-A0), choose different styles, adjust the design, change the place name size, ... |
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Print your route Royalty Free as a posters or brochures on as many copies as you wish |
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Personalized branding and exposure (banner, logo, links to extern channels, links to relevant RouteYou Channels, ...) |
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Personalized prints with your own logo and banner thanks to Print branding |
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Setting the background map in the RouteViewer |
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RouteDesigner |
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POIDesigner |
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Customise the visualisation of a group |
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Push your events to the RouteYou community |
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Make your route available for offline navigation |
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Clear visibility via the Partner channel search |
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Get statistics from your content (exposure, number of views from routes, locations, your profile, downloads, ...) |
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Premium Support Pack |
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No ads with your content (routes, POIs, groups,...) |
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An own short URL redirecting the user to your home page |
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POI Promo Pack for lodging POIs |
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Extra export functions (statistics, routes, pois) |
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RouteSpreadsheet |
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Basic version of MySite - MyApp |
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MyPlanner on RouteYou |
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Pro Support Pack |
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Make your route available to any user via a guide
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Personalised MySite - MyApp |
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RoutePlanner Plug-in for your own website |
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Professional RouteViewer plugin |
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Professional MapSearch plugin |
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Web Services |
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Can't find a solution above? Check out these additional options and products.
More info: info[at-r.] or sales[at-r.]
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