
RouteYou Enterprise - (Product Sheet)

Table of contents

What is RouteYou Enterprise and who is it intended for?

With a RouteYou Enterprise account, not only can you use all of the options on the RouteYou platform, but you can also use them externally, for example on your own (mobile) website, app, etc.

A RouteYou Enterprise account is intended for professional organisations, such as tourist offices, municipalities, event organisers, etc., that wish to use the RouteYou platform to increase their visibility and professional expertise in relation to recreational routes. It is specifically aimed at organisations who want to use the RouteYou building blocks in their own environment (website, database, app, etc.).

By using the ready-made RouteYou solutions, your organisation can cut its costs for development, maintenance and hosting!

In addition, RouteYou Enterprise is the perfect solution for professional organisations keen to promote their region or brand using routes among the Routeyou community of more than 15 million users and through the digital channels of Mediahuis newspapers.


What is included in a RouteYou Enterprise account?

In addition to all of the basic features and benefits of the RouteYou Plus, Premium and Pro accounts, a RouteYou Enterprise account comes with the following extras:

The advanced Viewer Plugins are part of our Professional Services

In addition, Routeyou Enterprise also includes a complete promo package consisting of:

If not applicable because the newspapers/target group is not suitable, you can exchange these 250 000 exposures for additional exposures in the Sponsored Route Package.


Terms and conditions

The concept of a RouteYou Enterprise account requires the public sharing of content (routes, points of interest, etc.) on the RouteYou platform. This means that this content will not only appear on the RouteYou website ( and in the RouteYou App, but also on the RouteYou-related platforms of other partners. More specifically, these are partners that make use of our web services and thus the content published on RouteYou.

RouteYou Enterprise facilitates the use of the Viewer plugins and RouteYou Web services on one website. If you are managing multiple websites and wish to facilitate multiple websites with these options, an additional charge will be made (see price overview).

Rates - RouteYou Enterprise

(Prices excl. VAT)

  Annual fee Set-up fee Set-up fee
incl. MySite/MyApp
Plugin Calls
RouteYou Enterprise   € 6500 € 1000 * € 2000 * Unlimited**
Per each additional channel/site/domain/app  + € 1000      
Use of an Enterprise account for private routes *** + € 1500      

*The annual fee is a recurring cost. The set-up fee is a one-off cost.

** A Fair Use Policy (FUP) applies to the unlimited number of Plugin Calls. This excludes excessive use. By excessive use, we mean exceeding the normal usage linked to a medium or large website. Not sure what this means for your organisation? Contact us at
*** We apply a fair use policy for this option. It is, of course, possible to keep some routes private, but there must be a good balance. For more info, contact us at

Added options

(Not included in the price of a RouteYou Pro account)


Do you just want to exclusively showcase your own content in a separate web environment with a custom url? Then the MySite Pro is perfect for you. For more info about MySite/MyApp, click here

Test our advanced plugins

A RouteYou Pro account allows you to use a test licence at no extra cost to try out our advanced Viewer plugins (RouteViewer, Download, MapSearch and POIViewer) and POIViewer), which are part of our Professional Services). Your test licence will be valid for a maximum of six months and/or a maximum of 25,000 views. It will help you to give visitors an overview of the routes you have published on RouteYou on your own website and also allow them to view the routes on your website. This is an ideal introduction to the benefits of these features. Request a personal key via

Advertising campaigns

If you have a Premium account, then your MyRouteYou channel and all of the content you offer is ad-free. But if you want to promote your own routes or a product or service from a sponsor, you can use Website Campagnes or a MyRouteYou Campagne

RouteYou tailor-made training

A personal training course tailored to your needs, either at your headquarters or elsewhere. Find out more.

How to order?

You can order via


Click here to see the overview of the functionalities of RouteYou by account type.

Mogelijkheden per account type

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