
RouteYou free basic functionality

All basic functionalities on RouteYou are free. Below is an overview of the functionalities. For some basic functions you do not need an account. For other basic functions you do need a (free) account.


No account RouteYou Free
Create routes on the public Channel yes yes
Search routes, pois, groups, channels, activities, news and events yes yes
View routes, pois, groups, channels, activities, news and events yes yes
Embed routes with the Free RouteViewer plugin yes yes
Embed routes with the Free MapSearch plugin yes yes
Searching and viewing routes on the mobile website of RouteYou ( yes yes
Download the free RouteYou App   - yes
Searching and viewing routes via the RouteYou App   - yes
Download and print routes via the website   - yes
Create and manage routes, pois, groups, activities, events and news in your Channel   - yes
Upload routes to your account   - yes
Submit your routes as "Recommended"   - yes
Receive the RouteYou Newsletter   - yes
Enter comments (interact with other users, on routes, ...)   - yes
Your MyRouteYou channel in different languages   - yes
Enrich your channel description with pictures and links   - yes
View statistics of your content (number of route views, locations, profile, downloads, ...)    - yes
Keep track of favorite routes   - yes
Follow accounts   - yes
Participate in training courses   - yes

Can't find a solution through the above options? Additional features and possibilities are available through paid account types on RouteYou. These require an upgrade of your MyRouteYou Free account. In addition to all the basic functionality, they each have a set of additional features and possibilities. 

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