
RouteYou for Municipalities and Cities

Table of contents

Video introductions

Check out this extended webinar about RouteYou for professional organisations

Why use RouteYou as a Municipality or a City

There are two main reasons why you might like to use RouteYou as an organisations (read here what RouteYou is). 

The most used product and fit to the needs of a tourism organisation is our PRO product (read more about it here).



Here is an overview of several ways to use RouteYou:

  1. Extra info about your municipality: Your municipality/city probably exists already on RouteYou as a location with POI-information (check the Search option to find your municipality on RouteYou). You can add specific information to your location on RouteYou about your municipality, so the users are better informed about what to see. Adding the URL of your choice in the More info-field of your POI, you can guide visitors of RouteYou to your website to find more info. You can also add pictures or video's (multimedia). Have a look at this great example.
  2. Routes in, around and near your municipality: You can create specific recreative routes to guide people through your city. These routes are enriched with POI information. Probably, there are already a few routes in or near your city/municipality. You can easily check this out via the RouteFinder. The location page also shows an overview of available routes in the neighbourhood of your city/municipality. Have a look at this great example.
  3. Show the info and functionality in your own website: You can present these routes on your own website via the RouteViewer widget or the MapSearch.
  4. Structure and present: You can group and present the routes in thematic sets which make sense for your municipality (e.g. Art Deco walks through the city of Ghent, 10 introduction routes for new inhabitants of the municipality of Maroussi,...)
  5. Layout and design: You can adapt the layout of these grouped routes and POIs by customizing the visualisation of a group.
  6. Your own recreational and functional routeplanner: We can make a specific (personalized) planner for your area showing and routing over specific networks, showing specific POIs, showing specific backgrounds,... This allows any user to create routes in your area over the network you define. Or, using the networks we have available for cycling, walking, cars,... Have a look at this great example.
  7. Upgrade to a MyRouteYou: You planner, routes and POIs can be made available via a MyRouteYou. This provides a better structure and exposure
  8. Smartphones and Mobile website: You can also get your own mobile website for your city and municipality as an extra options in the MyRouteYou-product
  9. Planner in your website: You can plug in your RoutePlanner in your own website if you want to keep the users on your site.
  10. Create exposure for your events: You can publish events of your municipality on RouteYou.
  11. Map prints: We provide great map printing functions to show the content you create on RouteYou in poster-print format or formats suitable for brochures. We take care of the copyright. If we don't go far enough in the layout options, we can personalize your print.
  12. Let your routes being used in several ways: All routes are made available as print, GPS-formats and available on Smartphones. SO your users can always use them on any technological level they want to step in.

Interested? Contact us via info[at-r.].

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