Finding and editing a group
How to find a group
Go to ‘Groups’ from the main menu and select ‘Find group’. Enter your search terms and click Search. This will display a list of the results found. Click your preferred group to go to the group’s page
For your own groups, just select Author under ‘My groups’. Remember that you have to be logged in to do this. Another quick way to visit your groups is to use your personal dropdown menu via your profile icon or the main menu button at the top for direct access to ‘My groups’.
Editing a group
Once you’ve found the group, use the pencil button to select and edit the group’s Basic data or help=200]Visualisation[/help] settings.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I delete a group?
Yes, of course. You can also delete groups that you created. That comes in handy if you need to reclassify or when you simply no longer need the group.
Keep in mind that the routes linked to the group will not be deleted.
Go to ‘My groups’ using the direct link in your dropdown menu or use the general GroupFinder to select Author under ‘My groups’. Click the ‘x’ (next to the pencil) to delete a group.
How do I customise a group’s avatar, logo, or photo?
Group logos and avatars can be customised in the group’s basic data section.