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Upload a route


Overview of 3 main steps in uploading a route

A route can be uploaded from your GPS system to the RouteYou website so the route can be edited (change your track, add POIs, change the description and title), printed and displayed in the RouteViewer.


  1. Put the route/track (there is a difference! - read more about it here) from your GPS to your PC
  2. Upload the route/track from your PC to the RouteYou web environment
  3. Edit and enrich your route with the RouteYou-tools 

Step 1: Upload the track from your GPS to your PC

If the track is already on your PC, jump to step 2.

Copy using File explorer

Transfer a track via Basecamp to your PC (only for Garmin)

Basecamp makes a connection between your Garmin GPS and your PC. If your GPS is connected, Basecamp will show you GPS device and you can select the files via File/Export.

Step 2: Uploading a track to the RouteYou environment

  1. Put the file of your GPS-track from your GPS to your PC.
  2. Log on
  3. Select in the hamburger menu the option 'plan a route' and then 'upload a route'
  4. Select the file (GPS-track) for upload (see below the supported formats)
  5. Give a name, type and description to your route
  6. After upload, your route will be processed and you will receive an email when it is done

Formats and content supported for upload

Not all formats and versions are supported for upload!

Content restrictions:

The GPX format is very flexible. You can store about everything. Obviously, we have some content restrictions to be able to convert your GPX file to a route

Restricted number of shapepoints:

There is no theoretical limit to the number of shapepoints your track or route has, but you will "suffer" later on if you have more than 1000 points. It's hard to handle.

Read our item on generalization and how to reduce shapepoints .

Step 3: Further processing of your route wihtin RouteYou

Once your route is uploaded, you can still do a lot of things to improve the route

Problems & FAQ related to the upload of routes

Error massage related to format

Check out the item above about supported formats

Incomplete track after upload to RouteYou

The problem is probably related to the fact that your GPX file contains more than one track. See above the restriction on one track.

Unable to edit the route after upload

Read here how to edit a route. Problem: "You click on the edit marker of a route but it takes ages before the route is displayed."

There are probably too many shapepoints in your route. See above or check the help-item on generalization.


For a list of the RouteYou functionalities per type of account: have a look at the RouteYou Functionality Overview per accounttype.

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