
BaseCamp (GARMIN)

What's BaseCamp

BaseCamp is a software from Garmin that allows you to send tracks and routes to your Garmin device. It also allows to view and organize your maps, waypoints, routes, and tracks, and create routes and tracks based on the maps you have available in BaseCamp.

Download BasceCamp for FREE

Download Basecamp for FREE from GARMIN here.

following link features interesting instruction video's.

Using BaseCamp to get routes/tracks from RouteYou to your Garmin GPS

Getting the GPX or GDB file from RouteYou to your computer

The first step is to get the file representing the route or track on RouteYou to your computer (read here how to do this)

Getting the GPX or GDB file from your computer to BaseCamp

  1. Open the BaseCamp application (install first if that is not done)
  2. Select File->Import from the main menu
  3. Indicate the downloaded file on your computer (most of the time, this is stored under C:/Users/YouName/Downloads)
  4. You have now the route as a TRACK available in BaseCamp

Getting the GPX or GDB file from your computer to your GARMIN GPS device with BaseCamp

Connect your GPS to your pc with a USB cable. Click the route/track and with the (right) mouse button select 'Send To'

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