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References and Portfolio


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As a potential customer or partner, you might like to see a bit of our track record of what we did so far. This allows you to get a good idea what we can do for you or your organization. And since "one example is worth a thousand words"....

An overview of our products by example

RouteYou used within websites

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MIO (International, WW)

Mio-Share is a platform which allows you

  • to upload your routes
  • to visualise your routes
  • to search for other routes
  • to download your other routes

This is based on the RouteYou technology

Honda (CHE)

On the website, the motorclub of Honda, called Redwings, they introduced the Motorrouteplanner of RouteYou + the RouteViewer and Route Download options.


Wandelnet (NLD)

The hiking organzation of the Netherlands (Wandelnet) created and maintain their own walking and hiking network in the Netherlands. This network is presented in their own RoutePlanner (accessed via the RoutePlanner-plugin of RouteYou). They also have a great set of POIs and hiking routes (the famous GR-paths). Also these are presented via the MapSearch and the RouteViewer of RouteYou. On top of that, they combine the RouteYou webservices to build specific download options on their website.

Randofamili (FRA & BEL)

Randofamili is a French-Belgian website about hiking routes in the North of France (Nord & Aisne) and in Belgium (Hainaut). They use as well sound as video to enrich their routes. 

A date pump (ETL-tool) links their content store with the RouteYou CMS. This allows them to use the large set of WebServices of RouteYou and plugins in their website.  

They also built a smartphone app, accessing the content via the RouteYou Web services.
Nord (FRA) The project MIRRA is a collaboration between Nord FRa) & Westoer (BE) to provide a walking network + hiking planner to their users. RouteYou converted the network to a digital routable network, and provides the RoutePlanner

Westoer (BEL) See above (Nord)

The Flemmish Sport Federation BLOSO & the "Vlaamse Stuurgroep Mountainbiken" present and maintain the offical MTB routes via RouteYou. They provide as well search tools, visualisation tools and download tools via the RouteYou plugins.

They also created the unique MTB network and provide this as a MTB RoutePlanner on their website.

Link to the Routes

Link to the RoutePlanner

Roots Magazine (NLD & BEL) Roots is a nature magazine in the Benelux. Every month, they create "rich" nature routes using the RouteYou RoutePlanner and they present these routes in their magazine and also on their site.
Motoren en Toerisme (BEL) Motoren en Toerisme is a motor magazine in the Benelux. Every month, they create tour rides and they are using the RouteYou tools to create and present them on their website.

Gemeente Middelkerke (BEL)

Tourism Middelkerke (a Belgian coastal town) provides a set of cycle and walking routes + routeplanner for their region using the RouteYou tools. Toerisme Middelkerke

Oneindig Noord Holland (NLD)

The website Oneindig Noord Holland uses RouteYou to create recreational routes linked to heritage and history. They use the RouteYou Web Services to present the routes on their site.


Hotel Winterberg (DEU) This hotel in Germany created recreational routes on RouteYou and offers them to their customers. They also use the content as advertisement via RouteYou and their own website.


Toerisme Limburg (BEL) The Tourism Organization "Limburg fietsparadijs" presents and created their cycling routes using RouteYou tools.


Trage Wegen (BEL) The organization Trage Wegen uses RouteYou to represent the typical unpaved paths of Belgium called "Trage Wegen", and intergrate them in a RoutePlanner preferring those "Trage Wegen".
Aalter Gemeente Aalter (BEL) The Tourism Organization of the municpality Aalter uses RouteYou to create, maintain and present the recreational routes. Gemeente Aalter
Meetjesland Wereldoorlog Meetjesland WO I (BEL) The region Meetjesland is using RouteYou to create & present a thematic set of routes linked to the history of World War I in their region.  World War I in Meetjesland
Toerisme Vlaamse Ardennen Vlaamse Ardennen (BEL) Toerisme Vlaamse Ardennen creates & presents a set of walking routes and also presents them in a Smartphone App created by RouteYou for them. 

On RouteYou

On their own site

Beleef je eigen ronde (BEL) Tourism Oost-Vlaanderen launched a website linked to the world famous cycling classic Tour of Flanders (Ronde van Vlaanderen). They also provide a RoutePlanner to create your own version in the area linked to the final kms of the Ronde van Vlaanderen RoutePlanner
Open Bedrijvendag (BEL) Open Bedrijvendag is an organization presenting companies and what they do during a major event. On that event they provide cycling routes connecting the participants within a region. They also present analogue maps with the info (created by RouteYou).
Limburgs Mooiste (NLD) Limburgs Mooiste is a tour organizer in the area of Limburg (Netherlands). They use routeyou to create and present their routes and made them available of GPS devices.



RouteYou used in map products on GPS devices

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Garmin (EUR)

RouteYou created a variety of maps for GARMIN GPS devices (see below)

Topo Benelux Pro TOPO Benelux PRO (GARMIN)

Shows as well the topographic map + allows routing (based on the ActiveRouting functionality of Garmin) + has a hige set of recreational routes (cycling, walking MTB,..)

To do this, RouteYou cleaned up map errors of the source supplier, integrated the routes and added speciic resistance values to optimize the ActiveRouting



Info about this Garmin Product
Topomap Benelux Garmin (BEL & NLD)

Previous version of the Topo Pro: Topomap of the Benelux for your Garmin device: RouteYou converted and processed the topographic map of NGI/IGN Belgium and Kadaster Nederland)


Waypoint (EUR)

RouteYou created a variety of maps for GARMIN GPS devices for the company Waypoint (see details below)

RouteYou did the data engineering, map improvement and map conversion for these products. 

More info of this product
Motorkaart OnRoute Motorkaart (Waypoint)

Motormap Europe for Garmin devices

More info of this product
Fietskaart Nederland Waypoint Onroute Cycling Map Netherlands Recreational cycling map for the Netherlands for Garmin devices. More info of this product
Wandelkaart Nederland Waypoint Onroute Wandelkaart Nederland Walkin gmap OnRouteYou of Waypoint for the Garmin devices. More info of this product
Garmin Custom Maps Garmin Custom Maps On RouteYou, you can access per route a small map (Garmin Custom Map) More info

RouteYou used in Smartphone Apps

Picture/Logo Company/Org What? Links
RouteYou app RouteYou The general RouteYou app allows you to search, view and follow all public tracks on the RouteYou platform, including visualisation of POIs Playstore
Op STap Vlaamse Ardennen Toerisme Vlaamse Ardennen Smartphone App (iOS & Android) to view and follow recreative walks and hikes in the reion "Vlamse Ardennen" Playstore

Stapas Brussel (BEL)

 Mobile Website with recreational routeplanner for pedestrians and disabled people

Ulugh (ESP)

Smartphone app for Android showing routes of RouteYou More info

Randofamili (FRA & BEL)

Randofamili is a French-Belgian website about hiking routes in the North of France (Nord & Aisne) and in Belgium (Hainaut). They use as well sound as video to enrich their routes. 

A third party built a smartphone app, accessing the content via the RouteYou Web services.

More info via PlayStore

Ulugh App Stad Oudenaarde (BEL)

A dedicated app (technically running on Android) was created for the city of Oudenaarde with our partner Ulugh. Dedicated Android devices are provided by the Toursime Organization of Oudenaarde to visitors.
Ulugh App Gemeente Zottegem (BEL) A dedicated app (technically running on Android) was created for Route42 (Interlokale Vereniging van 6 bibliotheken in de Vlaamse Ardennen) related to Jan de Lichte. The route with multimedia (video & sound) is also visible on RouteYou.  Link to route
Limburgs fietsparadijs Toerisme Limburg (BEL) A Smartphone and iPhone app created in collaboration with our partner Rovingbird, presenting 10 cycling routes of Limburg (also off-line) Link to Playstore

In het spoor van...

Agentschap Natuur & Bos (BEL)

The organization Agentschap Natuur & Bos provides the smartphone and iPhone app (created with our partner Spencer Pieters), presenting a ste of walking routes in the forest. It works also off-line Link to Playstore
Stapaf (BEL) App with a set of cycling routes of Toerisme Oost-Vlaanderen, created by our partenr Rovingbird.  Extra info via RouteYou

RouteYou used in analogue map products

Picture/Logo Company/Org What? Links

Open Bedrijvendag

Set of dedicated maps (cartography on demand)

[hlp=389]More info about cartography on demand[/help]

Limburgs Mooiste

Set of dedicated maps (cartography on demand) [hlp=389]More info about cartography on demand[/help]

Bloso (De Gordel)

Set of dedicated maps (cartography on demand) [hlp=389]More info about cartography on demand[/help]

RouteYou A4 Royalty-free Route Map

  More info

RouteYou Poster Print (A0)

  More info

Topomap Poster Print (A0)

  More info

RouteYou website used as a promotion channel by others

Look at this overview on the following page...

Here a small summary

Picture/Logo Company/Org What? Links

BMW Belgium

BMW Belgium launched a campaign for their cycling products via RouteYou. 2* 70 cycling tours (in Dutch & French) were created for them and presented on RouteYou and on their own website. 

Channel of BMW Cycling Routes
Toersime Limburg

Toerisme Limburg 

Cycling and horse riding  
Rutas Scientificas (ESP) Rutas Scientificas is an organization presenting routes with a scientific link to the city of Barcelona MyRouteYou of Rutas Scientificas

Randofamili (FRA & BEL)

Nord (FRA)    
BLOSO Bloso (BEL)    
Wesstoer Westtoer (BEL)    
Gemeente Brakel Gemeente Brakel (BEL)   MyRouteYou Gemeente Brakel
Knokke-Heist (BEL)    

A great set of quotes from our users

A historic overview

Some major milestones in the history of RouteYou:


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