
How do I put my business / organization on RouteYou

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Why to put your business / organization on RouteYou

You can put information of your business/organization on RouteYou

Here are a few very good reasons why you should do this:

Get inspired by these great examples

How can I add my organization info on RouteYou?

As a POI

You can create a POI about your organization yourself free of any cost! Or we can do this for you, if you don't have the time. In that case order a Promo Pack.

Provide good info and visibility via your account-info


You account-name, avatar or picture,... is visible on many places. Make sure that info is good and clear.


Read here how you can do this.

Take it up a level

Your account on RouteYou is a channel for your organization to the million of visitors on the RouteYou plaform . And you better make it as clear as possible to those users who you are, what you offer and what you stand for. RouteYou provides you all the tools to create, maintain and push your info on RouteYou + provides you the tools to follow-up on your success.

That's why we provide the product MyRouteYou Premium (read it here more about).

If you want extra exposure on RouteYou (besides the great exposure you get via your content (POIs, routes) we also provide great Ad campaigns. Read more about it here!

What to do if the info about my business/organization is wrong

Read here what to do

Are there limitations what kind of info you can add?

The info you provide should be about that location. We don't allow general info about a product or a service which is not related to that location! That kind of info will be removed. In case of doubt, drop us a line at [email protected] or [email protected]

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