
Translating a route

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Why translate a route

Sometimes you wish to offer a route you created in LANGUAGE A in LANGUAGE B as well. This page describes how to go about it.

The translation of a route involves:

  1. The route itself (title, description, ...)
  2. The POIs linked to the route

How to translate a route

Step 1: The route itself (title, description...)

It is best to proceed as follows (we assume you have already created a route in LANGUAGE A):

You now have a translated route. If you return to the route page (example) you will see at the top of the Route-information that the same route exists in multiple languages. If someone now searches in language B then the route will be offered in language B.

Note! This translated route has no POIs yet, because the POIs of the original route do not necessarily exist in that language (see next step).

Step 2: Adding POIs in LANGUAGE B

The translated route does not have any POIs yet, because the POIs of the original route do not necessarily exist in that language B.

To add POIS to the route, use the POI-PUSH. Read more about that here.

Note! The POI-PUSH will only add those POIs to your route that have the language of your route.

If specific POIs along your route are not yet available in language B, you need to translate them first. Read here how to translate a POI text from language A to language B .

Automatic translations

In some cases, we offer automatic translations of route descriptions. Click here for more information.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

If the geometry of a route is modified in language A, is it also modified in language B?

Yes as there is only one geometry per route. The geometry itself is language independent.

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