
OSM - OpenStreetMap

The services RouteYou provides thrive on a gamut of data sources. One of these data sources is OpenStreetMap. OpenStreetMap is map data released under an open-content license and is best known for its map on We built our services on top of this open-content map and its data. For example, we use our know-how to create a nicest route with this data.

Working together

Many contributors are continuously improving this map. However, despite these great efforts missing information or errors are possible and, hence, can impact your experience while using RouteYou's services.

We are also committed to help improve OpenStreetMap and even you can help.

One way is to share your local knowledge with us. There are different courses of action:

When we receive feedback from a route author or end-user (e.g. private road, unpaved/paved, missing road, ...), we check these remarks and fix them if we have enough knowledge about the problem. The local knowledge you provide, helps us solve these problems correctly.

Another way is to engage in the OpenStreetMap project and become a contributor. Learn more about contributing to Openstreetmap on following guide.


I made an edit in OpenStreetMap. How long does it take before my update is integrated in RouteYou's route suggestions?

We have a montly update process of all our different routing types based on the latest version of OpenStreetMap data.

I made a mapreport. How long does it take before my update is integrated in RouteYou's route suggestions?

Every mapreport is verified and analysed by our data team. If the mapreport passes our verification process and contains enough local knowledge of the reporter, we do the necessary adjustments to the map data. We try to handle all reports within the montly update process.

How long does it take for updates to become visible in the OpenStreetMap layer?

The OpenStreetMap map layer in the routeplanner or routeviewer are provided by mapbox. Every map update goes through their verification process before being added to their map layers. This can take up to a month. 

OSM on RouteYou

On RouteYou, you can make use of OpenStreetMap map in the RoutePlanner on two levels:

  1. You can use is as a MapLayer in the RoutePlanner
  2. You can use is as a Routing Option in the RoutePlanner

s as a layer in the RoutePlanner.

Legend of OSM

You can find the legend of OSM here.

External links

More info about OSM:

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