The guide is a presentation of a route via an extensive brochure, packed with information. All information about the places of interest that are linked to the route is included. This way you have all information at hand for an optimal experience of your route.
For whom?
When is the guidebook available?
The guide is not always available to free RouteYou users.
- From a Plus account, you can print any route on RouteYou as a guide.
- Authors with a Pro account can make their routes available to everyone (including free users or users without an account) as a guide.
Additional printing options
The additional printing options are determined by your account level:
- From a Plus account, you can choose to visualize the route in the guide on a topographic background map if available.
- From a Premium account, you can customize the Style of your map as well as print the guidebook Royalty-free.
Click here for an interactive example
- The front page displays the title, logo, banner and a photo mosaic (if photos are available).
- The guide also includes an overview map.
> If it is a node-to-node route, the nodes are also displayed.
> The map also shows the places of interest that are further explained in the guide. Bij de bezienswaardigheden wordt telkens vermeld na hoeveel afstand langs de route je zal tegenkomen.
TIP: If the route is long (> 10 km), we advice you to also print out the road book to be able to follow the route in detail.
- A guide also contains an elevation profile indicating where the challenges on your route are and how big they are. This elevation profile is displayed rotated on the sheet so that there is an optimal aspect ratio.
- Each point of interest has a number which you can find on the overview map of the guide. It is also indicated after how much distance since the start you will see this place of interest.
- At the end is a QR code that allows you to use the digital route via the mobile website or via the RouteYou app.