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Web Services - (Product sheet)

What are (RouteYou) Web Services?

The Web Services allow you to interact with the RouteYou functionality on a lower level (in comparison with the Widgets or Plugins), so you can easily integrate it with your own front-end (application or website).

The advantage is that your have complete flexibility on how to display and interact with the data and functionality provided by RouteYou. You get a jump-start with the Web Services we provide. And you don't have to worry about hosting, scalability, ...

We built our own website with these Web Services, so if you see something on RouteYou you like to do on your own site or app, we can provide you the functionality behind it with these Web Services.

For a more detailed overview about all the functionality we provide via Web Services & the technical aspect: have a look here.

If you want to try them out, let us know, so we can set you up with a test-account (contact sales[at-r.]).


Pricing is excl. VAT.


  Yearly fee Once Incl. volume Max. Websites Extra Usage/1000
Web Service Calls € 2,500   500,000 1 € 2
Set-up & support   € 1,000      
Extra site/domain/app € 500   - 1 -

The simple version is this base version. You pay a yearly fee, and if you don't exceed the included volume, that's the price. If you exceed the included volume, you pay the extra usage based on the indicated price on a quarterly basis.

For organizations with a more intensive use (above the included volume), it might be more beneficial to purchase volume packs (please contact us for reductions on volume packs for intensive use via sales[at-r.]).

Concepts & extra info

Extra options

Check out the Support Pack.

How to order?

Order via sales[at-r.].


For a list of the RouteYou functionalities per type of account: have a look at the RouteYou Functionality Overview per accounttype.

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