Research Partnership
What's the Research Partnership
The typical domains we do research in are on the level of
- geomatics and spatial databases
- routing
- datamining
- crowdsourcing
- tourism
- sports
- GPS and smartphone technology in the domain of recreation
Check also this website where we describe topics related to research we are interested in.
RouteYou has a great track of research-related activities. Just to give you an overview that might inspire you to set-up a collaboration with us:
- Providing research topics for students (thesis or projects) on the level of engineering, computer science, geography, sport science, sport management, tourism, geomatics,... + giving feed-back
- Teaching and presenting at several universities and polytechniques
- Executing research projects on its own and in partnerships with other companies, universities and polytechniques
- Providing data to research groups at university to test their algorithms and results
- Presenting research papers on many scientific and technical conferences
- Collaborating with Ph.D. students (working within and outside the company) in the frame of the reserach framewok Baekeland
- Providing on the job training within RouteYou for students (stage)
We love to collaborate with you as an institute, organization or individual in the above described domains. Contact us via info[at-r.]