RouteYou Map
- What is the RouteYou map
- Specific features of the RouteYou map
- Legend of the RouteYou map
- Difference from other map layers
What is the RouteYou map
The RouteYou map shown as the default map layer was developed with a focus on outdoor route planning and outdoor navigation.
It was therefore chosen to show only the information that is essential for those two purposes. In this way, you're not distracted by an overdose of information.
The map is based on OpenStreetMap and is hosted with and offered by Thunderforest's technology.
Specific features of the RouteYou map
The map can be oriented in any direction, an essential feature in navigation. This way, you're always able to read the labels on the map.
Legend of the RouteYou map
Orange: motorways & trunk roads
Yellow: Main roads; primary (yellow with orange border) and secondary roads (yellow with grey border) with road numbers
White: roads mainly intended for cars, but of lesser importance than roads with previous colours
Dotted line as edge on above roads: tunnel
Blue dotted line: paved cycle paths - car-free
brown-red dotted line: paths for pedestrians
Wide dark brown dotted line: stairs
Green dotted line: paths for horse riders
Blue-red dotted line: other paths mainly on which mixed use is allowed. For example, walkers and cyclists.
Brown long dotted line/full line: wide paths usually intended for mixed use. The full line is used if the path is paved.
Full thin grey line: railway / tram / pre-metro / historic railway lines
Blue line: streams and rivers
Thin grey continuous line: contour lines (height in meters)
Full green line: boundary of protected nature areas, parks, ...
Solid black line: country border
Black dotted line: province/state borders or similar
Light grey line: municipal boundary or similar
Traffic flow
Light grey arrows: one-way traffic
Roads and paths that have restricted access for all modes (e.g. private)
In detail
Region (State, province, departement,...)
Big city
Medium sized city (middle), small city / big village (right), village (left)
Districts, hamlets and small villages
Parks and protected areas
Name of watercourse / -surface
Religious centres
Monuments, commemorative plaques, ...
Mountains, hills, peaks,...
Mountain hut
House number
Light grey: built-up area
Dark green: forest
Light green: meadows and other grasslands
Light yellow: farmland
Greenish yellow (top left): no land use information available
Dark grey: buildings & building complexes
Light green grass icon: lakes, marshes and wetlands
Dark grey dots: debris, loose stones, ...
Blue: water (rivers, canals, lakes, seas, ...)
Bright green: protected areas, parks, ...
Difference from other map layers
Example - Lyndhurst, England
This set of maps shows the difference between the RouteYou map and other map options availaible on RouteYou.
The maps are shown in this order: (1) RouteYou map, (2) Google Maps, (3) OpenStreetMap, (4) Topo map Great Britain (OS).