
Developing an iOS/Android application with RouteYou

Table of contents

Three options

RouteYou provides three main approaches to let you develop your own iOS or Android application (app) and make use of all the great functionality that is used within the RouteYou websites and apps.

Option 1: Fast and simple - integrate a web view in your app

The fastest and most simple way to integrate RouteYou functionality in your app is to integrate our javascript modules as a web view in jouw app.

Some developers don't like this approach, and that's why we provide also alternatives.

There are two main set of modules you might like to use:

It gives you the advantages that this is a complete solution to show routes on a map, navigate on the map, provide download options to other formats,... with just a few lines of code.

Option 2: Complete control: use our web services

A web view in your app has some technical limitations. If you want to have complete control of the interface and design it the way you want, you can still gain a lot of time making use of the RouteYou web services. These web services allow you to get information (routes, pois,...) from RouteYou, but also store information, allow you to do routing, get routing instructions,...

You then integrate the output of these services in your app the way you want. This means developing quite some code to get the functionality that is available from the javascript modules described in option 1. A few examples of stuff you will have to develop:

For technical information about the Web Services, click here.

For commercial information about the Web Services, click here.

Option 3: Connect with your own MySite/MyApp

We can also provide a white label implementation of an app (PWA: Progressive Web App) we call a MySite/MyApp. Read here about the MySite/MyApp and get to see some examples. 

We do all the work for you, and it can be suplied within a week. But that app and functional solution is not embedded in your app. You will have to link from your main app to that MySita/MyApp solution via links and technically the user gets to another environment. 

How to get started

You want more info?

If it is not clear, tell us what you want to do and we set-up an introductory meeting to help you out.

If you want to go futher, we can do an analysis and architectural design with you (at cost).

For both issues, contact sales[at-r.]

You want to try

We can proviced you with a test key to try these service. Contact sales[at-r.]



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