
Non c'è una versione italiana disponibile di questo soggetto. La versione qui sotto è in Inglese.

MySite - MyApp (Product sheet)


Each type of account on RouteYou has its own MyRouteYou channel. The higher your account level the more possibilities you’ll have.

So, with a Premium account you can set your own header, link your logo and place links to your own website and social media channels. With a Pro account, you can also link your own personalised route planner or MyPlanner to your MyRouteYou channel and you are entitled to a basic version of MySite or MyApp. Do you have an Enterprise account? Then you can also opt for a personalised MySite or MyApp.


MySite represents your own website where you can present a specific range of routes and places of interest under your own URL. You can see MySite as an ad-free miniature RouteYou website with only the modules and content that you choose. This prevents people from navigating away from your offer. 

MySite can be used on both desktop and mobile devices.

MySite Pro

With a Pro account or higher, you are entitled to a basic version of MySite. This means that you can't make any additional adjustments to the standard version. This version includes 3 basic modules with your content incorporated:

  1. routes
  2. points of interest
  3. route planner


In this version you choose

MySite Enterprise

With an Enterprise account or higher you can also further personalise or brand MySite in your own style and add extra or more specific modules. These can be specific collections (groups) of routes or places of interest, additional planners, customised names, extra sections like news items ... You actually create a personalised MySite



The MyApp is an app version of MySite using PWA or Progressive Web App technology. Click here to learn more.

With MyApp, the address bar takes up no space. You use the web environment independently of a specific browser. An additional advantage is that MyApp is accessible via an icon on the home screen of your device.

The MyApp is particularly suitable for use on mobile devices.

Price overview

(Prices excl. VAT)

  Annual fee Set-up fee  
MySite Pro € 2199 € 1000 including the functionality of a Pro account
MySite Enterprise € 4399 € 2000 including the functionality of an Enterprise account

* The annual fee is a recurring cost. The set-up fee is a one-off cost. 

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