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POI import format

Use of the POI import format

Frequently, partners and customers provide us with POI information to import in the RouteYou databases and environment. The POI import format describes the fields (name, mandatory or not, their meaning).

Physical format


We defined a flat-table structure and also created fields from that point of view. In a hierarchical XML-structure, it could be done in a more efficient way. In the flat structure, each record contains all the fields (but they could be empty).

Mandatory fields

This is the minimum we need.

  1. location_id_customer: ID (can be set of chars) given by the customer to identify a location. If possible, use rather location_location_id_rty (see further)
  2. location_coord_x: X-coord (pref. should be longitude in decimal WGS-84 coordinates)
  3. location_coord_y: Y-coord (pref. should be latitude in decimal WGS-84 coordinates)
  4. location_type_name_customer: Type of location described by its name (pref a name of the referene list of RouteYou (see Location type list). Subtypes should be translated to a new type (e.g. Church-Cathedral, use language as indicated by field 'language'). If a type does not exist in the RouteYou Location Type List, please indicate and check if if could be mapped to an existing Location Type.
  5. text: Txt description of the location (editorial)

Optional fields

Meta info

  1. language: 2 CHAR ISO language code, identifying the used language for the relevant attributes in this record. In case two descriptions are available in a different language, a new record has to be used (most used codes : EN, NL, FR)
  2. owner_id_customer: Id or code described by the customer who owns the text information
  3. owner_id_rty: Id or code described by the customer who owns the text information, but the user_id as known/registered on RouteYou
  4. owner_displayname: Display name of owner (how should owner appear when mentioned on RouteYou or in web services)
  5. owner_email: Email of the owner (used by RouteYou, because this is how the user/owner is identified)

Location info

  1. location_action: Options
  2. DELETE=indicates that the complete location_object (including its entity and its attributes) shoud be deleted. The location is identified by an ID or by the attributes. This actions will be rarely carried out on the core database, only if the location is an orphan-location) CREATE=indicates that the location_ and it's attributes are created and that the location did not exist before (or was not delivered before) EDIT=indicates that the location exists already (was delivered before) but that the attributes should be changed)
  3. location_id_rty: ID given by RouteYou to identify a location
  4. location_coord_system_name: Description of the coordinate system which is used WGS84 (Pref. WGS84), LambertBEL72, Rijksdriekhoek ,….
  5. location_coord_system_id_rty: RouteYou id describing the coordinate systems: 1=WGS84, 2=NLD_Rijksdriehoek, 3=BEL_Lambert_72 (Ask for the official list by RouteYou,….)
  6. location_name_rty: Name of the location, as given by RouteYou
  7. location_display_name: Name used for Display purposes of the location
  8. location_address: Use this only in case the address is not available as individual address components, this field can be used to store a complete address string. Preferable, the address is structured as [Streetname],[Hsnr],[ZIP],[Municipality],[State (if used)],[Country]. Please, make rather use of the structured, individual address fields, rather than this address string.
  9. location_address_street: streetname of the addres
  10. location_address_hsnr: hsnr of the addres
  11. location_address_postbox: postbox of the addres (if available)
  12. location_address_zip: zip code (postal code) of the address
  13. location_address_sub_municipality: sub_municipality (village) of the address (if existing)
  14. location_address_municipality: municipality of the address
  15. location_address_state: if relevant, state (of country is spli tin states, e.g. US) of the address
  16. location_address_country: country of the address (pref. Full name)
  17. location_type_name_rty: Type of location described by its as used by RouteYou (use language as indicated by field 'language')
  18. location_type_displayname_customer: Name (short) to be displayed when this type is used
  19. location_type_id_customer: ID or code used by customer to indicate the type
  20. location_type_id_rty: ID or code used by RouteYou to indicate the type

Text (description) info

  1. text_action: Options
  2. DELETE=indicates that the object with the given ID or identified on base of its attrubutes, has to be removed CREATE=indicates that the object and it's attribus are created and that the object did not exist before (or was not delivered before) EDIT=indicates that the object exists already (was delivered before) but that the attributes should be changed)
  3. text_id_customer: ID (can be set of chars) given by the customer to identify a text
  4. text_id_rty: ID given by RouteYou to identify a text
  5. text_type_id_customer: ID or code indication of type of text (default it is assumed that this is a standard editorial text, but it could also be introduction, summary, ….)
  6. text_type_id_rty: ID used by RouteYou to indicate type of text
  7. text_source_name: Description of source of the text information
  8. text_source_url: URL indicating where the text is taken from.
  9. text_source_id_customer: ID used by the customer to indicate the source
  10. text_source_id_rty: ID used by RouteYou to indicate the source
  11. text_copyright_id_customer: Code or number given by customer to indicate copyright
  12. text_copyright_id_rty: Code or number given by RouteYou to indicate copyright
  13. text_copyright_name: Name (short) to be displayed when this type of copyright is used
  14. text_copyright_url: Url linking to the description of the copyright
  15. text_bc_min_radius: Min distance from which there is no 'BroadCasting' anymore of this information Unit (m) (default: 0 m). If value > 0, the BroadCasting area is a doughnut.
  16. text_bc_max_radius: Max distance from which there is no 'BroadCasting' anymore of this information Unit (m) (default: 100 m)
  17. text_bc_left_bearing: If the heading direction of the receiver is locationnting right of the left_bearing and left of the right_bearing, the information should be displayed.
  18. text_bc_right_bearing: If the heading direction of the receiver is locationnting right of the left_bearing and left of the right_bearing, the information should be displayed.
  19. text_info_url: Extra url to get more info about the described item (in general, the source_url will be used for that)

Media info


Meta information about your data

Please provide a translation list between the POI_types you use and the types used by RouteYou. Here is the list of RouteYou.


Using your Web services to import the POIs

RouteYou can also import POIs from web services that you provide. Please inform us about the following:

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