

What's a GPXM-file

A GPXM-file is a digital representation of the route you can create and see on RouteYou. GPXM is the format, based and compatible with GPX (GPS eXchange Format), but extended with a set of features to make full use of the content provided and created on RouteYou.

Below you can see a detailed example of a GPXM file.

Since GPXM is compatible with GPX, you will find most of the explenation of the meaning of the tags in the standard documentation of GPX. This is s good spot to start from.

Overview of the main extensions

Extra info on metadata


The extra info is indicated by the standard GPX tag


An example

<name lang="en">Isle of Wight Cycling Route</name>
<desc lang="en">Cycling route of the Isle of Wight, based on the cycling tour of cycling route author Briarcliff. You will follow the tracks of famous people such as Charles Darwin, Dickens, Garibaldi and even Karl Marx.</desc>

An extra lang (language) attribute is provided to the tags

This allows

Extra info on a waypoint or WPT

The extra info is indicated by the standard GPX tag


The example below shows some extra tags for a WPT.

<wpt lat="50.6339365843" lon="-1.17987682594">
<name>Shanklin Rail Station</name>
<name lang="en">Shanklin Rail Station</name>
<media lang="en">
<content>Shanklin Rail Station is the end of one of the most punctual rail road lines in the UK. The rail route from Ryde to Shanklin. It is the present terminus of the Island Line from Ryde.</content>
<media lang="all">


The tag sym is used to provide a link to a symbol we use to represent the type of waypoint or POI.


The language attribute is used for the name tag, so you know which language it is, and/or you can store multiple names in several languages. RouteYou uses default the same language per route/GPXM.


Type is a subtag of media. A media can be of several types.

In the case of text, it has an extra sub tag (content) to provide the content. In the case of image, it has an extra sub tag (url) to refer to the image file


To optimize your download of the image, your can use the server-side resampling of RouteYou. You will see that the URL contains a part width/300/height/300 . This indicates that the size of the image will be max 3OO with or max 300 height. If you want it smaller, just put a smaller number. Here below an example.

How to get to the GPXM-file

The manual way

Via the download button of a route page, you get to see the GPXM file. Thi sis provided for all new routes (there are still a few old routes we don't provide with a GPXM, but these are exceptions, but they do exist!).

Via web service

The route web service provides you a solution to download the files via getRouteFiles.

Example of a GPXM file

Here is a link to a GPXM file.

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